Hans Bellmer - The Doll, 1935

Hans Bellmer - The Doll, 1935

Dec 2, 2011

from 'Down and Out in Paris and London' by George Orwell :

'And there is another feeling that is a great consolation in poverty. I believe everyone who has been hard up has experienced it. It is a feeling of relief, almost of pleasure, at knowing yourself at last genuinely down and out. You have talked so often of going to the dogs -- and well, here are the dogs, and you have reached them, and you can stand it. It takes off alot of anxiety.'

an extract from chapter III


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I so love George Orwell "Down and Out" and "Wigan Pier" especially.

  3. "Down and Out" is my first "contact" with Orwell's writings, and I believe it won't the last.
